Spider-Man Spins a Web Any Size
Spidey's Corner

A Brief History of Spider-Man

“I was fortunate to buy 75 copies of Amazing Fantasy #15 when it came out,” says Marc Turndorf, senior producer at Activision. “Are they worth anything?”

He’s kidding, of course, but if he had really picked up 75 copies of Spider-Man’s first Marvel Comics appearance (published in 1962), he could sell them and retire; that comic is now worth thousands of dollars. The web-slinger received his own comic book with Amazing Spider-Man #1 in 1963, and the titles Spectacular Spider-Man, Sensational Spider-Man, Web of Spider-Man and Peter Parker: Spider-Man followed in later years.

During the almost four decades since Spider-Man first appeared, he has been featured in a couple thousand comic books, three animated television series, several novels, and a short-lived live action TV show. Along the way, he saw his good friend Gwen Stacy die at the hands of the Green Goblin, married his girlfriend Mary Jane Watson, and weathered many of his Aunt May’s health crises.

For more information, take a look at this fan site, or Marvel Comics’ own Spider-Man site.

Next May, he will reach the silver screen for the first time in the upcoming Spider-Man film, directed by Sam Raimi and starring Tobey Maguire as Spider-Man/Peter Parker, Willem Dafoe as the Green Goblin and Kirsten Dunst as Mary Jane.

“We’re excited about the upcoming film,” says Michael Rogers, president, Aspyr Media. “Just like the game, you have to wonder how someone is going to pull off making Spider-man believable. My suggestion is that they take a look at the game, because the development team did a good job of making it all work — and play — right.”

Activision will release a game that ties in with the film, and Rogers hopes Aspyr will publish it for the Mac. “We’re always working to bring the best gaming experience to the best platform on the planet,” he says.
Black Cat
Black Cat


Green Goblin
Green Goblin

King Pin
King Pin






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Tips, Tricks and Cheat Codes

Tips and Tricks

Spidey’s Moves
Use the following moves to help Spidey defeat the bad guys!

Jump: Spider-Man can jump much higher than an average man.

Kick/Punch: With his enhanced strength, Spidey can put a lot more power in his kicks and punches.

Web Trap: This is useful for trapping opponents or even activating switches.

Jumping Punch/Jumping Kick: Too far away from a bad guy to hit or kick him? Jump and then punch or kick as soon as you get near.

Grab: This works well when you sneak up on someone from behind. You can also grab and then punch or kick for a more effective attack.

Web Spikes/Web Dome: You can use your webbing to create throwing spikes or a protective dome. You’ll need to use the Break Web Dome move to get out of the dome.

Impact Webbing: This wads your webbing into a ball that hurts when it hits someone.

Web Yank: Smack a bad guy with a web and then pull him close for a knock-out punch. You can also pull him left or right.

Web Swing: Who doesn’t want to glide through the canyons of Manhattan with just a line of webbing standing between you and the street?

Zip-line: This allows you to shoot a line of webbing straight up or directly opposite you.

Web Target Mode: Activate this move and you’ll be able to aim your webbing better.

Cheat Codes

Stumped? Then you may need some help, thanks to the cheat codes that are commonly placed in most videogames. They allow you to, well, cheat and change the rules. This sometimes includes activating bonuses, unlocking secrets and new levels of gameplay.

Look in the Special area of the main menu. Click on “Cheats” and enter as many codes as you wish.*

LEANEST Unlock All
GLANDS Unlimited Webbing
WEAKNESS Full Health
MME WEB Select Level
RGSGLLRY Character Viewer
FUNKYTWN Cartoon Spiderman
STICKMAN Stickfigure Spiderman
CLUBNOIR Ben Reilly Costume
UATUSEES What If Challenge
CINEMA View Movies
FANBOY All Comics
ROBRTSON Storyboard Viewer
SM LVIII Quickchange Costume
MRWATSON Peter Parker Costume
KICK ME Amazing Bag Man Costume
XILRTRNS Scarlet Spider Costume
SYNOPTIC Spidey Unlimited Costume
TRISNTNL Captain Universe Costume
MIGUELOH Spidey 2099 Costume
SECRTWAR Symbiotic Costume
RULUR J James Jewett
EGOTRIP Pulsating Head

* Cheat codes provided by Aspyr. Apple does not guarantee that these codes will work and assumes no responsibility with regard to their use.

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System Requirements
Spider-Man   266MHz PowerPC G3 processor or better
 Mac OS X or Mac OS 8.6 or higher
 64MB of RAM
 OpenGL 1.1.2 or higher
 CarbonLib 1.0.4 or higher
 ATI Rage Pro Card with 6 MB of Video RAM or better
 QuickTime 4.1.2 or higher

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Web Swing