No One Lives Forever: A Web of Intrigue on Your Mac

Secret Agent Training School

Ordinary Objects, Clever Uses

From Maxwell Smart’s phone tucked in his shoe to James Bonds’ assortment of deadly pens, umbrellas, and other objects, gadgets always play a major role in the success of a secret agent’s mission. Check out what Cate Archer has at her disposal, thanks to the clever folks at U.N.I.T.Y.:

Belt Buckle
So many gamers forget to look up when they’re playing first-person shooters. Don’t be one of them. If you get stuck during the game, look up for ledges or other places that you can climb to. When you find something, pull out Cate’s fashionable belt buckle — also known as a zipcord in the game — and fire its hook at the appropriate spot. When the hook is secure, use the buckle to pull yourself up.

It keeps the hair out of Cate’s eyes and it’s a lockpick. You can also attach a poison capsule to it and use it to take out a guard.

Body Remover
Remember what we said about leaving dead bodies lying around where security cameras can see them? If you make the mistake of killing a guard in plain sight of a camera, just toss a dash of body remover on him and he’ll vanish.

Camera Disabler
Killed a guard but you’re out of body remover? Tired of sneaking past cameras? Attach this device to a camera and it will feed looping footage of an undisturbed scene to whoever is in the security room.

Cigarette Lighter
Need a light? Cate can use the cigarette lighter to illuminate dark areas. She can also switch to welder mode and break open locks with it.

Code Breaker
If you come across a locked door that has a keypad next to it, use the code breaker to open the door. Attach it to the keypad and it will cycle through every possible number combination until it hits the right one.

It may be low tech, but it gets the job done. Toss the coin in the direction you want a guard to go and he will investigate the noise.

Fuzzy Slippers
They may look silly, but they will make your footsteps silent.

When Cate’s done making her lips look perfect, she can toss this at a few guards and really make an impact. An explosive impact, that is.

You don’t want Cate to catch a whiff of this scent, but you want the bad guys to. Comes in acid gas and stun gas varieties.

Robot Poodle
Don’t forget about the guards’ dogs. Use the robot poodle to lure them away so that you can slip by.

They keep the sun out of Cate’s eyes and they house a mini spy camera. They’re even upgradeable: during the course of the game, they gain infrared and mine-detecting capabilities.

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Cheat If You Must

Stumped? Then you may need some help, thanks to the cheat codes that are commonly placed in most videogames. They allow you to, well, cheat and change the rules. This sometimes includes activating bonuses, unlocking secrets and new levels of gameplay.

To activate the cheat codes in No One Lives Forever, press the “T” key while you’re playing, enter a code, and press “Enter.” You can enter as many codes as you wish, one at a time.

mpimyourfather God Mode
mpwegotdeathstar Infinite Ammo
mpkingoftehmonstars All Weapons & Full Ammo
mpmaphole Complete Mission
mpdrdentz Full Health
mpwonderbra Full Armor
mpyoulooklikeyouneedamonkey Add All Armor Options
mpgoattech All Weapon Upgrades
mpasscam 3rd Person View
mprosebud Spawn Snowtruck
mpbuild Show Game Build
mpmilked Exit Game
mpflowerpower Paintball Mode
mpexorbitantamounts Extra Blood Mode

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Cigarette Lighter


Robot Poodle

PrimaPrima Games' Office Strategy Guide: NOLF

Thanks to Prima Games, we have a few tips and tricks straight from the No One Lives Forever official strategy guide (which is included with the game), by Steve Honeywell. Loaded with information that will help you become the perfect spy, the guide includes a complete walkthrough for all of the game’s missions.

Combat Strategies
Much of your time playing No One Lives Forever will be spent sneaking around and trying not to be seen, but you’ll have many opportunities to fight. Knowing how to fight is as important as knowing when to fight. These tips can help you get more from your ammunition — and help keep you alive.

There are few things worse in No One Lives Forever than coming around a corner to face a group of thugs and finding you have only three bullets in your current magazine. While you are reloading, your enemies are whittling away at your health. The solution is to reload at every opportunity. If there aren’t any enemies around, reload. It’s in your best interest to enter any conflict as fully prepared and powerful as possible. Keep your weapons fully loaded at all times and reload after every combat before moving on.

Stealth Strategies
Stealth can be more important than combat. If you can be sneaky, you don’t have to worry about your trigger skills. Sneaking allows you to avoid combat, keeps you under cover, and prevents you from being overwhelmed with enemies.

It’s easy to forget the value of crouching. You don’t move quite as quickly while crouched, but it’s a great way to move without being seen. If there’s a counter, wall, or crates to hide behind, crouching allows you to keep moving forward toward your goal without being detected.

Walk, Don’t Run
Walking is slower than running, but it is also much quieter. Running over a metal floor makes enough racket to alert guards some distance away. Walking is relatively silent. When you need to be stealthy, walking is almost always a better choice. It may leave you out in the open longer than running does, but it also greatly reduces the chances of a guard turning around and spotting you.

Tip: For true stealth, walk while crouched. This is almost completely silent.

Use Silent Weapons
You won’t always have a silent weapon at your disposal. When you do, take advantage of it. Scoring silent, undetected kills gives you a tremendous advantage. Even if you are eventually spotted, you’ll have greatly reduced the forces arrayed against you.

Tip: You can also incapacitate someone with either the sleep or stun gas, then kill them silently with another weapon.

Be Observant
That’s part of a spy’s job, after all. You’re paid to find things that are well hidden, so use your eyes and ears. Look around you for intelligence items, doors that might lead to new places, and concealed cameras that could blow your cover. Listen for the footsteps of guards, the opening and closing of doors, and the movement of cameras. By paying attention, you can save yourself a lot of headaches.
Strategy Guide

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boxSystem Requirements
 Mac OS X version 10.1 or Mac OS 9 or higher
 350Mhz PowerPC G3 processor or faster
 128MB of RAM
 3D accelerator with 8 MB video RAM
 900MB hard disk space

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