The Feeble Files

Funny Sci-Fi

By Brad Cook
Meet Feeble. He’s not having a good day. You see, his spaceship collided with the Voyager probe after he left Earth, having done his job as a member of the Ministry of Galactic Uncertainty’s Crop Circles Division. Unfortunately, the collision propelled the probe into the division’s scientific installation, which it destroyed. Not only is he in trouble for that wreckage, but he’s also liable for the damage to his Company-owned ship.

Oh, and the Company recently increased his expendability value to 94% and decreased his promotion prospects to 3%. So when a mysterious fellow Citizen named Delores — everyone who lives under the Company’s oppressive rule calls each other “Citizen” — pulls him into a rebellion that’s about to boil over, what does he have to lose?

That’s the premise of MacPlay’s point-and-click adventure game The Feeble Files. In Hollywood terms, one might describe it as “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy meets Brazil.” It’s a science-fiction tale full of colorful characters, strange places, and plenty of dark humor.

Plenty to Do and See
In a point-and-click adventure game, you use a cursor to pick up, use (sometimes in conjunction with other objects), and examine objects, as well as interact with other characters. You also use the cursor to click on places where you want the main character to go. In this game, you direct Feeble to grab items that will help him solve puzzles as well as interact with dozens of his fellow Citizens as he travels through more than 80 environments.

Every time Feeble converses with another Citizen, you choose from several possible responses, each of which carries the discussion in a different direction. Over 20 actors recorded in excess of 6,000 lines for the game.

Feeble also has a device called Oracle to help him in his adventures. He uses it to store objects, information about people and places in the game, and tasks that he needs to complete. You can use it to save your progress so that you can return to later; you’ll make extensive use of this function.

Do Not Disobey Omnibrain
An entity known as Omnibrain controls the Company and directs a group of enforcers to mete out punishment against wrong-doers, who are often arrested for the slightest infractions. Unfortunately, Feeble quickly discovers that he’s also been charged with piloting a damaged spaceship, failing to report said damage, and “unnecessary flamboyance when starting a space bike.” All those charges make him a target for a particular enforcer sent to track him down.

And when he’s captured, he’ll be sent to Cygnus Alpha, where all criminals serve their sentences and undergo personality restructuring. Of course, imprisonment there doesn’t mean the end of the game; it means that the plot thickens as Feeble meets Delores again and attempts a daring escape.

But we can’t give away what happens next, can we?

That will be all, Citizen. Good cycle.
  This game no longer available from MacPlay.

What a Mess. Help Feeble repair the damage.

Take Your Pick. Select one of several environments to explore.

System Requirements:
Mac OS X version 10.1.4 or higher
180MHz PowerPC G3 processor or higher
128MB of RAM
700MB of free hard disk space

A Guide to The Feeble Files

alienWe direct you to review the following before you play The Feeble Files, Citizen.

The Community: The worlds that enjoy a utopia under the direction of Omnibrain.

Cycle: 100 mini-clicks comprise a click, and 20 clicks make up a cycle, which is the length of time that it takes for Metro Prime to orbit the Primary Star. 460 cycles make up 1 period.

The Directive Charter: This set of regulations governs all Citizens’ lives. It includes such rules as number 3 (the Omnibrain loves all Citizens, who love it in return without question) and number 84 (Citizens may not exceed their allotted size and weight).

Metro Prime: This planetoid is the center of the Omniverse. Most large starships come from and go to this hive of activity.

The Ministry of Galactic Uncertainty: This Company subsidiary prepares primitive planets for assimilation into the Omnibrain’s advanced society. Its primary function is to explore the galaxy and look for planets that the Exploratory Armed Forces can visit on behalf of Omnibrain. Feeble’s division uses crop circles as low-level interventions on some of these planets. Earth is one of them.

Personality restructuring: Citizens who are accused of harboring treasonous thoughts — or acting on those ideas — are subjected to a process that creates love and worship for Omnibrain, which normal Citizens possess naturally.

Stumped? Try this in-depth walk- through of the game at the web site GameFAQs, which hosts cheat codes, hints, walk-throughs, and other information about a wide variety of games.