Unreal Tournament 2003: Frag or Be Fragged

The Arsenal


You start with five of these teleportation devices. To use one, fire it and press the “Q” key to switch to a camera mounted on the translocator, so that you can see where it lands. If you don’t like where it landed, press the primary fire button to recall it, or press the secondary fire button to teleport to its location. Translocators regenerate after you fire them, but you have to wait several minutes before that happens, so don’t use your inventory all at once.

Want to know how to use a translocator as a weapon? Fire one at an opponent and teleport right away; if you wind up occupying the same space he’s in, you get an easy frag.

Shield Gun
This weapon is most effective in close-range combat. Hold down the primary fire button until the bar in your weapon ammo displays fills up completely, and then release it to unleash a powerful burst of energy. You can also fire it at the floor to propel yourself high into the air. This gun’s secondary use projects a shield that will protect you until its charge runs out; you’ll have to let its power regenerate before you can use it again.
  Shock Rifle
The shock rifle fires a powerful laser as its primary attack and an energy sphere as its secondary attack. The sphere travels in a straight line until it touches something, at which time it explodes. If you want the sphere to explode sooner (if it’s going to miss an opponent, for example), try shooting it with the laser, which will set off an explosion that will damage anything in the vicinity.

Link Gun
This gun offers rapid fire bursts of green plasma energy as its primary attack. Its secondary attack emits a continuous beam of energy that will cause more damage the longer it’s focused on an opponent. In team-based games, you can fire the secondary attack at a link gun-wielding teammate and boost his power; when he fires his gun, its attack will be stronger.

This short-range weapon ejects blobs of toxic ooze that do extreme damage to any player they touch. Players who step on the gunk will be hurt too, but it will evaporate after sitting on the floor for a few seconds. Hold down the secondary fire button to fill the Bio-Rifle’s chamber with ooze and literally cover an opponent with the stuff. Just make sure you’re not too close to the poor guy or you’ll get slimed too.

Cheat If You Must

Stumped? Then you may need some help, thanks to the cheat codes that are commonly placed in most videogames. They allow you to, well, cheat and change the rules. This sometimes includes activating bonuses, unlocking secrets and new levels of gameplay.

To enable the cheats in UT2K3, press the tilde (“~”) key to bring up the console. Then enter one of the codes below and press Return. You can enter as many cheat codes as you wish. Then press the tilde key to return to the game.

(These codes won’t work in multiplayer mode, though, so you’ll have to rely on your natural abilities if you want to survive competitive deathmatches.)

The Codes
GOD: Become invincible
LOADED: Get all the weapons in the game
ALLAMMO: Your current weapons now have infinite ammunition
GHOST: Move through walls, floors, and ceilings
WALK: Turn off GHOST mode
FLY: Fly through the air Matrix-style
KILLPAWNS: All computer-controlled players die
BEHINDVIEW 1: View the action in third-person
BEHINDVIEW 0: Return to first-person view
SLOWMO #: Activate slow motion mode by replacing the “#” sign with a relative speed (.1 is the slowest)
JUMPMATCH ##: Skip to a specific tournament ladder (replace the first “#” with a number) and a rung on that ladder (the second “#”)
SKIPMATCH: You win the current match and move on to the next one, cheater
AMPHIBIOUS: You won’t run out of air while underwater

Places to Go, Gamers to Frag. What lies at the end of this tunnel?

System Requirements
Mac OS X version 10.2.6 or higher
700MHz PowerPC G4 processor or higher (except 12” PowerBook manufactured in 2003)
256MB of RAM
32 MB video card (Radeon/Geforce 2MX or higher)
3GB of free hard disk space
