Break Out the Nehru Jackets

Cate Archer Returns in NOLF 2: A Spy in H.A.RM.’s Way

By Brad Cook
Even ninjas clash with their parents over the proper way to dress. That’s just one of many humorous conversations you’ll overhear as you guide sneaky secret agent Cate Archer through the adventures in MacPlay’s No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.’s Way. It’s the sequel to The Operative: No One Lives Forever, which successfully whipped Austin Powers, James Bond and 60s nostalgia into a frothy blend that had you grinning madly as you defeated the evil organization known as H.A.R.M.

As in the last game, Cate has access to a complement of weapons and gadgets that help her succeed. This time around, Santa, the Director of Gadgetry, and his engineers at UNITY have created a variety of new gadgets, including the angry kitty, a robotic feline that explodes when H.A.R.M. agents try pet it (they seem to have a weakness for cute animals). Other new gadgets include the mascara stun gun and the banana, which really does make a bad guy fall when you throw it at him.

New Characters, New Gadgets, New Skills
CateNOLF 2 also introduces some new characters, including H.A.R.M.’s leader The Director, whose mother doesn’t understand why he won’t call more often, and Isako, who owes The Director a blood debt and must repay it by turning her ninjas into his private security force. To make up for Magnus Armstrong’s defection to UNITY, H.A.R.M. now also employs Pierre, the Mime King, and his La Troupe de Pantomine. Pierre’s secret weapon is his “glide attack.”

While weapons and gadgets are vital when squaring off against the bad guys, stealth is just as important in NOLF 2 as it was in the original. Cate can now become undetectable by H.A.R.M. henchmen as long as she remains motionless in shadowy alcoves, and enhanced enemy AI means that it’s even more important for her to move dead bodies out of the way and listen for alerted guards. Sometimes it’s better to slip past someone than attack them and risk that she’ll set off an alarm, which will result in a swarm of enemies.

NOLF 2 also introduces a point system that allows you to increase Cate’s skills in eight different categories as the game progresses. She receives points for successfully completing certain tasks in each mission, and you can allot those points as you see fit. Perhaps you’d like her to get better at searching, which dictates how fast she can comb dead bodies for weapons and intelligence items. Or maybe you think she should increase her marksmanship abilities and get in more head shots during firefights.

Multi-Player Spy Action
In addition to the usual deathmatch and team deathmatch modes, the multi-player side of NOLF 2 includes a four-chapter campaign that up to four players can tackle. It requires them to cooperate as they try to accomplish certain tasks, such as moving Cate’s unconscious body to a safe zone. Because you can’t have a weapon out while carrying a body, the person assigned to that task has to be protected by the others.

There’s also doomsday mode, but we’ll let you discover what that’s all about when you play the game. Let’s just say that doomsday is something you definitely want to prevent in the single-player campaign, but not in multi-player.
Fighting in a Winter Wonderland. Luckily, frostbite is not a factor in this game.

sword fight
Samurai Jane. These H.A.R.M. bodyguards may be funny, but they sure pack a whallop…

System Requirements:
Mac OS X version 10.2.6 or higher
700MHz PowerPC G4 processor or faster
256MB of RAM (512MB on iMacs)
32MB video card (ATI Radeon or NVIDIA Geforce or higher)

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Tips and Tricks

agents   Sometimes you can create a dark place to hide in by turning off lights or even removing bulbs from lamps.

  If you leave a body in plain sight, you can pick off curious guards one by one as they approach to examine it.

  Stop and listen to the conversations. Many of them are funny, of course, but sometimes you’ll pick up important pieces of information too.

  Grab every item you find along the way, including the training manual pages and notes. They give you bonus points good toward skill bonuses.

  A red “X” on your compass indicates an intermediary objective you need to reach. A red “i” is a major objective or task. Red dots represent the movements of guards you’ve planted tracking beacons on.

  Vending machines aren’t just there for show. Look around them for coins that H.A.R.M. guards carelessly dropped. You can use those coins to distract your enemies when you want to move through an area undetected.

  Make sure you search every body. Right-click and hold down the mouse button until the progress bar fills up to find everything hidden on it. If you find a key ring, it will allow you to open doors without needing a lock pick.

  When you throw your shurikens at enemies, make sure you look around after you defeat them. You’ll be able to pick up the throwing stars and use them again.

  Search each area before you move to the next one. Don’t leave behind gadgets, weapons and other useful items that are often hidden in each level.

  If a guard triggers an alarm and the odds look overwhelming, look for a place to hide until the activity cools down. They’ll eventually go back to their posts.

Cheat If You Must

Stumped? Then you may need some help, thanks to the cheat codes that are commonly placed in most videogames. They allow you to, well, cheat and change the rules. This sometimes includes activating bonuses, unlocking secrets and new levels of gameplay.

To enable the cheats in NOLF 2, press “T” to bring up the chat command, which displays “Say:” on the screen. Type a code, press enter, and you should see a confirmation in the top-left corner of the screen.

The Codes
guns: Get every weapon and gadget in the game.
skillz: Get extra skill points.
ammo: Max out the ammo for all your available weapons.
armor: Get full armor.
health: Get full health.
mods: Get all the modifications, such as scopes and silencers, available for your weapons.
god: Turn on invincibility.
poltergeist: Become invisible.
baddaboom: Bigger explosions.
rosebud: Spawns a snowmobile right next to you. Take it for a spin.
maphole: Skip to the next level.

