Game Modes

In addition to the Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch and Capture the Flag game types, which have been first-person shooter staples for years, UT2K4 offers these unique multi-player modes:

Desert convoy.

Assault. Attackers: secure the missiles from this train. Defenders: keep those attackers out.

Target reticle.

Deathmatch. I spy with my little lightning gun…

Desert convoy.

Onslaught. Heading out to the next Power Node.

Target reticle.

Bombing Run. You are the champion.

The Vehicles

Vehicles appear at bases and active Power Nodes in Onslaught mode, as well as in certain spots on specific Assault maps. When a vehicle spawns for the first time, it’s locked until you or a team member gets in it, at which point an enemy can take it over if the driver dies or gets out.

Like players, vehicles have health that depletes as they take damage. If a vehicle explodes with players in it, they die too. They can also take damage independent of the vehicle and die even if it doesn’t get destroyed.

Not all vehicles can take on passengers; we’ve noted which ones can in the descriptions below. And don’t forget: a player on foot is no match for a vehicle headed straight toward him. Knock out an opponent while driving a vehicle and you’ll hear one of many reward voices that congratulate you on a job well done.

System Requirements
