Draenei male.

Master of All He Surveys. The Draenei turned part of their crashed ship into a base.

Draenei Shaman.

Raakaa, Draenei Shaman (Alliance)

I cannot remember precisely what happened, though I have tried many times. There was a dull roar, and then I flew through the air and hit a wall. When I awoke, I found myself in a strange land. I came across Megelon — he said the Exodar crashed for an unknown reason, and I was in suspension for weeks afterward, slowly healing.

He sent me to speak with Proenitus, at the crash site. There was so much to do. While I was at full strength, many of my fellow people suffered from their injuries. They were scattered across the vale and the nearby lake, pleading for help. After one of the priests showed me the healing power of the Naaru, I was able to assist many of them.

There is much more wrong with our situation than injured Draenei, however. Strange, mutated creatures live around the crash site, and I was asked to help Botanist Taerix and her apprentice, Vishael, figure out what is wrong with them. I gathered the necessary samples and they met with some success, but there is still much more to do, as Firmanvaar told me when he began my training in the shamanistic arts.

One of my brethren mentioned that some of our kind have made contact with a race known as Night Elves, who dwell on a nearby island called Teldrassil. They have also established a population in a place called Darkshore. I hope I will meet some of them one day — they seem to share our affinity for the earth spirits and respect for the balance of this world’s elements. I can only pray that the Burning Legion will not find us here.

Draenei female.

We Sense Some Hostility Around Here. A Draenei examines a mutated creature.

World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft
Learn more about World of Warcraft by reading our previous feature which covers the original version of the game. Embark on ever-more-dangerous quests, slay increasingly fearsome foes and eventually attain Hero status, a leader among your people. Play one of eight races and choose one of nine classes.
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Blood Elf fighting monster.

If it’s Mana You Seek... A Blood Elf learns how to tap mana from monsters.

Blood Elf.

Veloenus, Blood Elf Warlock (Horde)

“We have been a race adrift on a sea of uncertainty.” The words of Magistrix Erona still echo in my ears. It has been many days since she and I first spoke on Sunstrider Isle, and yet the memory of her fair features and lilting voice is still fresh. Our people have struggled so much since the Scourge destroyed the Sunwell and left us in such abject misery.

Summoner Teli’Larien believed there was a true demonic presence on the island, and he was correct: a Blood Elf named Felendren, who became hopelessly addicted to magic and thus turned into one of the Wretched, had taken over Falthrien Academy. I defeated him and many of his Arcane Wraiths, bringing just a little sense of peace to Sunstrider Isle.

There was no time to tarry, however, for Erona asked me to visit Outrunner Alarion on the way to Silvermoon City. Alarion tasked me with delivering a package to the inn at Falconwing Square. I had to pass through the Ruins of Silvermoon to get there. From my path, I spied many Wretched Urchins and corrupted Arcane Patrollers, several of which attacked me along the way.

I completed more quests for those in need at Falconwing Square, and then I crossed The Dead Scar before finally entering the hallowed gates of Silvermoon City. It felt good to be among so many of my own people, and even emissaries from the other Horde races, so far removed from the evil that had infested Sunstrider Isle. I broke bread with my allies and learned new spells from my masters. A fine set of silk robes gave me great comfort as I slept at the Wayfarer’s Rest Inn that night.

And yet something still troubled me. I was reminded of something else Erona told me: “The Outland awaits us!” In the inn, I had overheard talk of the Dark Portal’s opening in the treacherous Blasted Lands. Eventually I will make my way there and enter the Portal, beyond which Outland awaits. Many more adventures lie before me until then.

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Map of Silvermoon area.
A Story Once Told

“Outland was a natural choice for us, as it is a key setting for several of the plot lines from the Warcraft strategy games,” Dabiri explains. Learn more about the storyline, such as why the Burning Legion was created to destroy the universe and then rebuild it.

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