By Brad Cook

You thought this planet was abandoned. You were wrong. Well, from a certain point-of-view: a computer that calls itself Entity is now in control of this inhospitable chunk of rock. Luckily, it’s benign. Unluckily, an alien invasion force has arrived, and Entity’s defense grid is offline.

Defense Grid: The Awakening

“Ah, the aliens are back, are they?” Entity asks in a nonchalant voice as you scan your surroundings. “Yes, well, we knew this day would come, and so it has,” the computer adds, as if it’s talking to a long-lost friend. There will be time for a round of “How do you do?” and raspberry tasting later; you have work to do.

The Rub

The objective seems simple enough: place towers along the aliens’ path and blast them to smithereens. At first you only have access to basic gun turrets, but soon Entity provides others to choose from, including cannons, flame-throwing towers, spinning structures that slow down enemies, and more. As you gain resources from eliminating aliens, you can upgrade existing towers with more powerful attacks and wider ranges of fire, or buy new ones. Do you want to inflict a few devastating blows, or death by a thousand paper cuts?

Of course, the aliens come in 15 different varieties, each with unique movement rates, levels of shielding, degrees of strength, and other qualities to consider, so you can’t simply place a series of gun turrets and sit back to watch the carnage. Some of the aliens even fly, and certain weapons are useless against them.

The aliens want your power cores, and if they carry all of them off the map, they’ll prevent the defense grid from going online. Wise tower defense strategists would be wise to heed Entity’s advice: “Be merciless. They are.”

Tips and Tricks

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Towers firing various weapons.

Strategic Focus. Place your towers carefully. You can sell them, but at a loss.

Alien stats displayed.

Party Crasher. Boss aliens like this one pose a formidable challenge.

Towers firing lasers.

The Gauntlet. The basic choice: Do you put your resources into many low level towers, or a few very powerful ones?

Defense Grid: The Awakening Companion iPhone app
Defense Grid: The Awakening Companion
The Defense Grid: The Awakening Companion for iPhone is the official companion to “Defense Grid: The Awakening”. View the Towers and Aliens from the game in full 3D, plan tower placement and discuss strategies with your friends, and learn detailed info about the strengths and weaknesses of different towers and aliens.

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