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Age of Empires 2: Gold

A Guide to the Civilizations and Campaigns in Age of Empires II: Gold

Civilizations and campaigns included with the Conquerors expansion pak are noted as such. Also, not every bonus for each civilization is listed due to space constraints.

The Civilizations

Aztecs (Conquerors): Dominating central Mexico, the Aztecs prized their fierce warriors. They built great cities and their arts flourished, but they were also cruel and sacrificed many people.
 Bonuses: Military units created 15% faster and villagers can carry more resources
 Unique unit: Jaguar warrior (anti-infantry units)

Britons: Almost no written records survived the period after the Roman Empire fell and the British Isles descended into chaos as barbarian hordes invaded them continuously.
 Bonuses: Shepherds work faster, and archery ranges are built quicker
 Unique unit: Longbowman (archer)

Byzantines: Taking their name from the ancient city Byzantium, this civilization ruled a portion of the Roman Empire that survived after the rest of it collapsed.
 Bonuses: Monks heal faster and buildings have stronger defenses
 Unique unit: Cataphract (anti-infantry cavalry)

Celts: This civilization originally inhabited northern Europe, but lost much of its holdings to the Roman Empire. The Celts later fell into a loose coalition of tribes.
 Bonuses: Infantry move faster and siege weapons fire quicker
 Unique unit: Woad raider (fast infantry)

Chinese: China developed a unique culture after its reunification in 581 AD. A highly advanced civilization, it is credited with inventing the compass, gunpowder, the wheelbarrow, paper, and other technological advances.
 Bonuses: Technologies cost less and the number of starting villagers is increased (although the amount of food is less)
 Unique unit: Chu Ko Nu (fast-firing crossbowman)

Franks: Originally one of the German barbarian tribes, the Franks united under the chieftain Clovis and formed what would eventually become the modern nation France.
 Bonuses: Castles cost less and knights are stronger
 Unique unit: Throwing axeman (ranged infantry)

Goths: Another Germanic tribe, the Goths originally came from the island Gotland, where they split into two groups, the Visigoths and the Ostrogoths. They were the first to sack Rome, thus beginning the end of the Roman Empire.
 Bonuses: Infantry cost less and barracks are built faster
 Unique unit: Huskarl (anti-archer infantry)

Huns (Conquerors): A nomadic, horse-riding people from central Asia, the Huns had fearsome military might that proved unstoppable as they swept into the western Roman Empire and overran it.
 Bonuses: Don’t need houses, and cavalry archers cost less
 Unique unit: Tarkan (anti-building cavalry)

Japanese: Isolated geographically, the Japanese developed a culture that had little influence from the outside world. Various clans ruled Japan during the fifth century, and the civil wars between them eventually led to the installment of a military government.
 Bonuses: Infantry attack faster and mills, lumber camps, and mining camps cost less
 Unique unit: Samurai (anti-unique unit infantry)

Koreans (Conquerors): Korea was divided into three competing kingdoms at the beginning of the Dark Age. The Shilla kingdom allied with China and defeated the other two kingdoms in the 7th century.
 Bonuses: Stone miners work faster and tower upgrades are free
 Unique units: War Wagon (cavalry archer); Turtle Ship (armored war ship)

Mayans (Conquerors): Natives of Central America, the Mayans developed the simple bow and arrow earlier than their neighbors.
 Bonuses: Resources last longer and walls cost less
 Unique unit: Plumed archer (strong archer)

Mongols: Nomadic horsemen who followed in the steps of the Huns, the Mongols swept through most of Asia and built the largest empire ever seen.
 Bonuses: Hunters work faster and cavalry archers fire quicker
 Unique unit: Mangudai (anti-siege cavalry archer)

Persians: The Persian Empire predated the Roman Empire, and its capital was what is now called Baghdad. The Persians and the Romans fought constantly, and although the Persians outlasted their foes, the Muslims later conquered them.
 Bonuses: Start with more food and wood, and the knights have stronger attacks against archers
 Unique unit: War Elephant (cavalry)

Saracens: Desert nomads, the Saracens established a far-reaching religious empire based on the teachings of Mohammed in the 7th century.
 Bonuses: Foot archers have stronger attacks against buildings, and galleys attack faster
 Unique unit: Mameluke (ranged camel)

Spanish (Conquerors): The Muslims of North Africa moved into what is now Spain after one of the Visigoth lords appealed for their assistance. Muslim Spain became one of the most advanced civilizations of the Middle Ages.
 Bonuses: Builders work faster (except on Wonders) and blacksmith upgrades don’t cost gold
 Unique units: Conquistador (mounted hand cannoneer); Missionary (mounted Monk)

Teutons: The kingdom of Germany rose out of the division of the Holy Roman Empire after Charlemagne died. Its most famous soldiers were the Teutonic Knights.
 Bonuses: Farms cost less and military units are more resistant to conversion
 Unique unit: Teutonic Knight (slow infantry)

Turks: Comprised of two different Muslim groups — the Seljuks and the Ottomans — the Turks were based in the Middle East. The Seljuk Empire fell to the Mongols in 1258 and the Ottoman Empire remained a world power until World War I.
 Bonuses: Faster development of gunpowder technology and gain the skill of chemistry for free
 Unique unit: Janissary (hand cannoneer)

Vikings: The last Germanic tribe to terrorize Europe, the Vikings raided and held large portions of Europe and Asia during the Middle Ages. They were pagans, but most of them had been converted to Christianity by the 10th century, and their raiding ways died out.
 Bonuses: Docks and warships cost less and infantry are stronger
 Unique units: Berserk (regenerating infantry); Longboat (war ship)

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Each campaign is a single-player, story-based game that consists of several missions which you must beat to win the campaign.
William Wallace: Lead the Scottish tribes against the better-equipped Britons.

Joan of Arc: The French and the British have fought a war that has lasted nearly 100 years. Although the French are losing badly, a peasant girl has arrived to declare that she will save France.

Barbarossa: Frederick Barbarossa attempts to unite his Holy Roman Empire by subduing the Germans and defending himself against the sneaky dealings of the Pope in Rome.

Genghis Khan: Lead the Mongol hordes against the Persians and Chinese as you try to lead Genghis to world dominance.

Saladin: The Saracen King Saladin leads his troops against the European knights who have entered his lands in a crusade to take over the Holy Lands.
Attila the Hun (Conquerors): Lead the Hun invaders as they attempt to sack Rome.

The Conquerors (Conquerors): Relive the tragedies and triumphs of Erik the Red, Henry V, Yi Sun-shin, and other great men from the annals of history.

El Cid (Conquerors): Born Rodrigo Diaz, El Cid threatens the King of Castille and must join forces with the Moors to defeat him.

Montezuma (Conquerors): Lead the Emperor of the Aztecs against the invaders who have come to conquer the Americas.

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